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Matching Donations
Requesting a match for your donation made outside of Bright Funds
Requesting a match for your donation made outside of Bright Funds

How to submit a request.

Sara Grant avatar
Written by Sara Grant
Updated over a week ago

Made a donation outside of Bright Funds? If your company offers matching, you may be able to submit your donation for matching!

You will need a donation receipt from the nonprofit that indicates no goods or services were exchanged for your donation. The receipt must display the following:

  • Your name

  • The organization name

  • Donation date

  • Donation amount

Note: Check images, pledge forms, and bank statements are not eligible to serve as official receipts.

How to submit a match

You can either click on Request a Match from your Dashboard, or click the link to Request a Match right on the nonprofit's Bright Funds profile page.

If you clicked on Request a Match from your Dashboard, search for the nonprofit you donated to. Check out our Finding Nonprofits guide for helpful tips – try searching by EIN (tax ID number), and don’t forget to change the setting from Nonprofits to Schools if you donated to a school. 

Next, enter the donation details – the date of your donation, the amount you want matched, and upload your official donation receipt from the nonprofit. 

What's next?

Your company will review your match request for approval on their end. Once your match has been reviewed, you will receive an email letting you know with an update.

Want to match a donation made to an external fundraiser or project?

Made a donation to a fundraising page or other specific causes? You can request a match on the page for the receiving nonprofit! Just be sure to check the "include a designation" box when requesting a match, and input the details [ex: participant name and/or ID, fundraising page URL (if space allows), etc.].

The information will be shared with the receiving nonprofit, and it will be up them to apply the funds as designated on their end, once the funds have been received by them.

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