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Organization Status of Canceled Recurring Donation
Organization Status of Canceled Recurring Donation

Learn how a recurring donation can be impacted due to an organization’s eligibility status.

Michelle Marinas avatar
Written by Michelle Marinas
Updated over a week ago

How does an organization’s status affect my recurring donation?

Currently, our system works to ensure that your donations are sent to all organizations within your recurring donation that is set up. However, since they are grouped together, if at any time one organization on a recurring donation list is not eligible, the entire setup is canceled. This is to ensure that our system does not charge a donation in a whole amount if any of the organizations lose eligibility.

How can I tell if my recurring donation has been impacted?

You will receive an email from if at any time your recurring donation has been canceled due to an organization’s status.

What steps should I take if my recurring donation is canceled?

Feel free to re-set up your recurring donations by referencing the Setting up a recurring donation article.

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